Mumbai,the city of hope,the city of rich,vibrant and colourful cultural heritage,the city of artists, writers and luminaries from all around life;the city of success,the city of
desire,the city of dreams,the city of sky high ambitions,the city of Bollywood,the city of Sunil Gavaskar,the city of ever on the move life line,the city full of hustle and bustle,the city of show buissness,glamour and glitz,the city always bubbling with life,the city which never sleeps ,which never stops,the financial capital of India,the city of sky scrappers;all such metaphors are true for Mumbai as; for most of Indians, a visit to Mumbai is cherished one.
But sometimes this city weeps and laments.It’s heart bleeds and aches.It mourns and feels anguish,pain and helplessness.
Yes this city wept when in 1993 serial bomb blasts shattered the ever moving life line of this great city.It wept when communal,riots took place here.It wept when bomb blasts rocked the local trains.It wept when people were beaten up on the basis of being North Indians.It wept when children living in slums were termed as slumdogs;It wept when media persons were beaten up by so called political activists.It wept when young boys and girls were assaulted and humiliated at Valentine’s Day and on new year eve,by so called custodians of values and culture.It wept on 26-11-08.The terrorist attacked on the spirit and fabric of Mumbai.When C.S.T.,Nariman House and Leopold CafĂ© were attacked.It bled when Taj and Trident hotels were attacked and in all of this macabre drama,innocent men,women and children were killed in cold blood by terrorists.Yes; Mumbai wept.
Mumbai wept when it’s brave cops laid down their life for the sake of their mother land.All Indians did and do and shall ever salute the martyrdom of Hemant Karkare,Ashok Kampte, Vijay Salaskar Major Unnikrishnan and many more daring cops who made supreme sacrifice for duty..They are heroes of our Nation.
The saddest and tragic part is that the same politician,the then state home minister;who was sacked after 26-11-08,is back in less than a year in office.The then chief minister of the state who visited Taj Hotel after the carnage,with his actor son and director friend,as he was having a family picnic; and was removed from chief minister ship after much hue and cry;was later inducted as a central minister.
The so called custodians of culture were not at all seen at the time when the city was under savage rampage.When there was blood on the streets;when humanity was on the tenterhooks,when general innocent public was being killed.Where were they?The brave commandoes fought bravely to save the people,no politicians were around there,they were just tucked inside their heavily guarded chambers.The so called Public figures were just away from public when public was attacked.What a paradox.What an irony and what a pity?Disgusting.
The city weeps when one of it’s most glorious and illustrious son Sachin Tendulakar is politically attacked for his claim of being an Indian first.
But Mumbai and it’s spirit can never be dampened, it is always soaring high and will always rise higher and higher.The texture of mumbai is pride of country.A big salute to Mumbai and Mumbaikars.They have fought bravely and stood together.The spirit of Mumbai is divine.Three cheers for our beloved city,the pride of India.We love you Mumbai.